Thursday consisted of the packing of the car, traveling to Madison, checking in to the Hotel, unpacking the car, 6 mile group run, then group meeting. It was nice to put names to faces and meet many others joining the camp who were not members but eager to hear and learn how Endurance Nation teaches. Meeting went long this night and therefore I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and a mac and cheese microwave bowl. Tried to go to bed early but was pumped for Friday.
Friday consisted of me waking up with the chills and body aches.
- Pretty sure I had a low grade fever but I was not at this camp to lay around. Therefore took some Ibuprofen and sucked it up.
- Met in the hotel lobby at 0730 for a 109 mile bike ride. The ride consisted of the stick and both loops of the course. We were short 3 miles cause where out hotel was located.
- Very happy with the day and the outcome of the ride. I rode under my IF (.67) race goal is (.70) and TSS points came in at 237. Thing I was not happy with was the VI of 1.1. Ave speed was 18.6, Ave cadence of 88, Avg HR of 133. Note I was not aware of this cause I was not able to download the data while in Madison. It makes since now though cause my brick run following was very difficult.
- Nutrition consisted of 250 calories of Infinite per hour. I also consumed one Roctane gel that was 120 calories. While peeps were refilling there water bottles I slammed down a 32 oz bottle of coke. Stuff works.
- First loop came with a lot of learning, listening, and watching.
- Second loop I had fun with it but damn those 3 hills at the end where brutal.
- Overall time on the bike for 109 miles was 5:53.
- Returned to the Hotel and decided I was going to eat before the Admin meeting. Chowed at the Great Dane. Had an awesone pretzel bread with a burger, brat, fries, and a beer. Yes, lots of water.
- Bedtime at 2100. Again tossed and turned and still with some chills.
- Woke up feeling much better but the butt was very sore from the saddle
- Had a few cups of coffee, two pieces of bread with peanut butter and a banana
- Met two people out front of the hotel around 0645 and we decided to get started early cause it was to be DAMN HOT. Yes sunscreen was applied before we left but it is hard to carry and reapply.
- Well things were going well until we started climbing a hill we didn't remember. Well yep we took a wrong turn but that is okay cause my butt hurt so bad I was telling myself I was going to ride the stick, one loop and home.
- Met a buddy from Iowa at the BP in Verona only after we went to the gas station in town so more miles added on there.
- Okay so we are off. Decided to take the day easier than yesterday and try and ride more smoothly. I was assuming my VI was hard cause the run was difficult on Friday or I just didnt feel well. I was following Levi and another friend doing the race come Sept. Just seemed a little too easy and decided we were all here for the experience and needed to ride the course as close to race day as possible so stepped it up a little.
- Got to the hills, down hills, straight aways and all felt good besides my ASS and getting baked by the sun. The quads, calf's and muscular endurance overall felt awesome. First loop done and Levi needed to refill his water bottles. My ass hurt so bad my mind was telling me to just go back to the hotel and call it a day. Physically though I wanted to go. Coach talked about eventually the "SUCK will come to you". I hadn't felt that yet so I sucked down a coke and decided what the hell I am in for the full Monte again. Second loop the intensity was stepped up more and the hills were attacked but at the same time trying to keep the watts under my FTP. Note it is impossible to ride the hills at 10 or 20% above your FTP. You are doing lucky to keep it at or just under your FTP. Took 8 minutes off the 2nd loop from the 1st.
- Levi got cramps and I looked back and the poor guy was walking his bike up "papa" hill. I waited up and he said he was a mess and for me to just go. I told him to hook up with us back at the Clarion. I got up with a group from Endurance Nation and we were hauling some ass. Hooked back up with another buddy from Iowa and we rode the stick back to the hotel.
- Stats from this ride I was very pleased with. 114 miles in 6:08. IF again .68, TSS 245, VI again 1.1 and I was or thought I was pretty smooth and consistent throughout but guess not. Ave speed today was just 19.6.
- It was very hot, humid, and I got burned.
- Group meeting then a Group dinner out. Met at a nice restaurant in Verona. Has pasta, pizza, and a few beers. Needed to carb up for Sundays run.
- To bed early again and slept decent.
- Well after 223 miles of biking and 12 miles of running I got out of bed and didn't want to move cause I didn't want to feel where the hurt was.
- Drank a few cups of coffee, had a banana, and a muffin for calories
- Met a buddy in the lobby at 0600 and we drove to the beginning of T2.
- We got out and went to see where the swim start is and the transition areas.
- Long run from the water exit, up the helix, and to the bike. Goal transition will be like 6 minutes.
- We had a cue sheet printed for one lap of the marathon. That is 13 miles. Off we went. Well the streets were not well marked and lots of construction going on. We got lost a few times but found our way.
- Note to self. If you think it is going to get dark on your run be sure to bring a head lamp cause on the bike path leading to Mendota Lake it will be pitch black unless they put up lights.
- Found a few hills
- Overall the marathon no matter how I feel coming off the bike is going to hurt.
- It is a double loop which always turns into a mental battle.
Lessons I learned
- Getting an 12-27 or even a 12-28 for my bike this week cause the 12-25 I am currently running is not enough gears for me. Over my watts several times and there was nothing I could do but short of walking my bike to get them down.
- Coach Rich said "Don't bring the SUCK to you wait for it cause its coming" Hopefully the SUCK will stay away until the "line" which for us is MILE 18 of the run. When it comes I have that one special thing that I have been thinking about and will assist me through the rest of the run.
- You have NO FRIENDS during the run. Why-cause you will run to fast, to slow, walk when you could run, etc. Remember this is not a race its an execution game.
- Stay inside my own box, no one gets in and I can't escape.
- Coca Cola is good for instant sugar, carbs, etc
- When cars honk, yell, flip you the hand gesture, just smile and keep going.
- Anytime you have a chance to ride and run the upcoming course DO IT!!!! It is nice to know what lies around the corner :)
Packed the car up, put on the recovery tights and socks, and headed home.
This week is a recovery week and back to the full swing of things by the weekend. Falling asleep typing this so bed time is an early one but not till after True Blood the wife says.