This morning workout starting with a bang. Again thanks to Mike Morrison and Jonathan Barlow for showing up and always wanting to raise the bar a little higher each time.
The workout this morning called for a total of 60 min and within that time frame to include 10 min of "ON" time (again this is our VO2 MAX). The goal is to get your current FTP to 120%. My current indoor FTP is 220 therefore my goal for my FTP is 265 and above. I was able to hold these numbers easily today. We raised the bar to 2x3 minute intervals then 2x2 min intervals to equal 10 minutes.
The remainder of the workout was to be in the aero bars as much as possible and hold .80-.85 intensity which would be our 70.3 bike intensity. Well happy to report we were able to do that and more.
Ended today's bike wko with my best eva intensity factor of the 10 weeks........99%!!!!!!!
Now time to get the little girl to school and then go lift, take a soak in the hot tub, and get all this last minute running around done. Will update throughout the day.
Interval 1:Duration: 3:01
Work: 54 kJ
Intensity 1.37
Pw:HR: 7.94%
Pa:HR: 7.86%
Min Max Avg
Power: 200 397 301 watts
Heart Rate: 133 175 166 bpm
Cadence: 72 93 85 rpm
Speed: 17.7 23 20.8 mph
Pace 2:37 3:23 2:53 min/mi
Hub Torque: 7 12 10 lb-in
Altitude: 725 728 727 ft
Crank Torque: 212 427 300 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Duration: 3:01
Work: 51 kJ
Intensity: 1.29
Pw:HR: 9.61%
Pa:HR: 9.56%
Min Max Avg
Power: 223 351 283 watts
Heart Rate: 127 175 165 bpm
Cadence: 69 95 84 rpm
Speed: 17.3 21.6 20.2 mph
Pace 2:47 3:28 2:58 min/mi
Hub Torque: 7 12 9 lb-in
Altitude: 725 726 725 ft
Crank Torque: 227 375 285 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Interval :3
Duration: 2:01
Work: 34 kJ
Intensity: 1.29
Pw:HR: 5.37%
Pa:HR: 7.91%
Power: 173 340 284 watts
Heart Rate: 135 174 163 bpm
Cadence: 64 96 83 rpm
Speed: 16.2 21.3 20.1 mph
Pace 2:49 3:43 2:59 min/mi
Hub Torque: 7 12 9 lb-in
Altitude: 722 723 722 ft
Crank Torque: 221 397 290 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Interval 4:
Duration: 2:00
Work: 34 kJ
Intensity: 1.32
Pw:HR: 1.96%
Pa:HR: 6.92%
Power: 179 399 291 watts
Heart Rate: 139 176 165 bpm
Cadence: 68 99 85 rpm
Speed: 16.8 22.6 20.1 mph
Pace 2:39 3:34 2:59 min/mi
Hub Torque: 7 12 10 lb-in
Altitude: 719 721 720 ft
Crank Torque: 222 383 291 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
**** The remainder were to be at .80-.85 intensity but as usual we wanted the bar to be raised a little higher ***
Interval 5:
Duration: 10:01
Work: 119 kJ
TSS: 13.7 (intensity factor 0.906)
Norm Power: 199
VI: 1
Pw:HR: -5.47%
Pa:HR: 0.96%
Distance: 2.918 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 261 199 watts
Heart Rate: 145 168 161 bpm
Cadence: 43 98 82 rpm
Speed: 8.3 19.3 17.4 mph
Pace 3:07 7:12 3:27 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 10 7 lb-in
Altitude: 713 718 716 ft
Crank Torque: 0 312 204 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Interval 6:
Duration: 10:01
Work: 121 kJ
TSS: 14.1 (intensity factor 0.919)
Norm Power: 202
VI: 1
Pw:HR: -0.02%
Pa:HR: 1.73%
Distance: 2.939 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 261 203 watts
Heart Rate: 144 164 158 bpm
Cadence: 38 119 84 rpm
Speed: 8.6 19 17.5 mph
Pace 3:10 6:60 3:25 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 11 8 lb-in
Altitude: 704 712 708 ft
Crank Torque: 0 329 205 lb-in
Temperature: 73.4 75.2 75.0 Fahrenheit
Interval 7:
Duration: 10:01
Work: 135 kJ
TSS: 18.1 (intensity factor 1.042)
Norm Power: 229
Pw:HR: 4.25%
Pa:HR: 3.87%
Distance: 3.072 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 331 226 watts
Heart Rate: 136 171 163 bpm
Cadence: 39 106 84 rpm
Speed: 9.6 21.2 18.3 mph
Pace 2:50 6:16 3:16 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 12 8 lb-in
Altitude: 698 705 702 ft
Crank Torque: 0 360 229 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Entire workout:
Duration: 1:00:23
Work: 693 kJ
Norm Power: 217
VI: 1.14
Pw:HR: 0.51%
Pa:HR: 5.28%
Distance: 17.025 mi
Power: 0 399 191 watts
Heart Rate: 79 176 153 bpm
Cadence: 30 119 81 rpm
Speed: 0 23 16.9 mph
Pace 2:37 0:00 3:34 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 12 7 lb-in
Altitude: 673 737 717 ft
Crank Torque: 0 482 198 lb-in
Temperature: 69.8 75.2 74.6 Fahrenheit
Off to the gym I went. Today brought in biceps, triceps, and 120/120 (120 push ups and 120 sit ups. The 120/120 is part of our Endurance Nation Out Season extra curricular activities. These were done in sets of 20-25 and various.
Biceps consisted of: Preacher Curl to burn out-5 sets, Drop sets of seated dumbbell curls starting with 45's and working down to 15's and going until failure-3 sets, 3 sets of 21 (done on a cable machine and is 7 very slow curls, the 7 half way ups, and 7 half ways downs) and biceps ended with hammer curls-4 sets.
Triceps were seated skull crunches-4 sets of 12, cable over the head pull overs-4 sets of 15, kick backs-3 sets of 10, and dips 3 sets of 15.
Sit ups were various in nature. Started with obliques. I do these with 60 pound dumb bells and bend side to side. 3 sets of 15, then what I call push outs. I take a 25 pound weight and set it on a towel, get on my knee's and then slowly push it out as far as I can and then bring it back. Did 5 sets of 12. These were alternated with good old crunches and these were 5 sets of 20. Ended the sit ups in the Captains chair and concentrated and slow up and down and really trying to engage the lower abs. Only did 3 sets of 15.
Last but not least the push ups. I did 6 sets of 20. These were done as wide arms, close arms, triangle, off set arms, and lastly arms on a medicine ball. Once 120 were hit I called it a day in the gym.
Now time to do all the errands and stuff you didn't think about needing to pack for your trips. Flight leaves at 0545 from Des Moines. These only means one thing-----up very early and off we go.
We arrive in Montego Bay around 3 pm. Then take an hour to get through Customs and we then get on another small plane to take us to the most secluded part of Jamaica----Negril. We then have to get checked in at the resort and go and pick up our racing packets for the next days Marathon. No acclimation time this year but that is okay. As I have said before we are going to soak this one all in and truly have a great time. My only goal of the whole marathon is to have the second half of the race be a negative split.
The workout this morning called for a total of 60 min and within that time frame to include 10 min of "ON" time (again this is our VO2 MAX). The goal is to get your current FTP to 120%. My current indoor FTP is 220 therefore my goal for my FTP is 265 and above. I was able to hold these numbers easily today. We raised the bar to 2x3 minute intervals then 2x2 min intervals to equal 10 minutes.
The remainder of the workout was to be in the aero bars as much as possible and hold .80-.85 intensity which would be our 70.3 bike intensity. Well happy to report we were able to do that and more.
Ended today's bike wko with my best eva intensity factor of the 10 weeks........99%!!!!!!!
Now time to get the little girl to school and then go lift, take a soak in the hot tub, and get all this last minute running around done. Will update throughout the day.
Sunset at Rick's Cafe |
Interval 1:Duration: 3:01
Work: 54 kJ
Intensity 1.37
Pw:HR: 7.94%
Pa:HR: 7.86%
Min Max Avg
Power: 200 397 301 watts
Heart Rate: 133 175 166 bpm
Cadence: 72 93 85 rpm
Speed: 17.7 23 20.8 mph
Pace 2:37 3:23 2:53 min/mi
Hub Torque: 7 12 10 lb-in
Altitude: 725 728 727 ft
Crank Torque: 212 427 300 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Duration: 3:01
Work: 51 kJ
Intensity: 1.29
Pw:HR: 9.61%
Pa:HR: 9.56%
Min Max Avg
Power: 223 351 283 watts
Heart Rate: 127 175 165 bpm
Cadence: 69 95 84 rpm
Speed: 17.3 21.6 20.2 mph
Pace 2:47 3:28 2:58 min/mi
Hub Torque: 7 12 9 lb-in
Altitude: 725 726 725 ft
Crank Torque: 227 375 285 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Interval :3
Duration: 2:01
Work: 34 kJ
Intensity: 1.29
Pw:HR: 5.37%
Pa:HR: 7.91%
Power: 173 340 284 watts
Heart Rate: 135 174 163 bpm
Cadence: 64 96 83 rpm
Speed: 16.2 21.3 20.1 mph
Pace 2:49 3:43 2:59 min/mi
Hub Torque: 7 12 9 lb-in
Altitude: 722 723 722 ft
Crank Torque: 221 397 290 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Interval 4:
Duration: 2:00
Work: 34 kJ
Intensity: 1.32
Pw:HR: 1.96%
Pa:HR: 6.92%
Power: 179 399 291 watts
Heart Rate: 139 176 165 bpm
Cadence: 68 99 85 rpm
Speed: 16.8 22.6 20.1 mph
Pace 2:39 3:34 2:59 min/mi
Hub Torque: 7 12 10 lb-in
Altitude: 719 721 720 ft
Crank Torque: 222 383 291 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
**** The remainder were to be at .80-.85 intensity but as usual we wanted the bar to be raised a little higher ***
Interval 5:
Duration: 10:01
Work: 119 kJ
TSS: 13.7 (intensity factor 0.906)
Norm Power: 199
VI: 1
Pw:HR: -5.47%
Pa:HR: 0.96%
Distance: 2.918 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 261 199 watts
Heart Rate: 145 168 161 bpm
Cadence: 43 98 82 rpm
Speed: 8.3 19.3 17.4 mph
Pace 3:07 7:12 3:27 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 10 7 lb-in
Altitude: 713 718 716 ft
Crank Torque: 0 312 204 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Interval 6:
Duration: 10:01
Work: 121 kJ
TSS: 14.1 (intensity factor 0.919)
Norm Power: 202
VI: 1
Pw:HR: -0.02%
Pa:HR: 1.73%
Distance: 2.939 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 261 203 watts
Heart Rate: 144 164 158 bpm
Cadence: 38 119 84 rpm
Speed: 8.6 19 17.5 mph
Pace 3:10 6:60 3:25 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 11 8 lb-in
Altitude: 704 712 708 ft
Crank Torque: 0 329 205 lb-in
Temperature: 73.4 75.2 75.0 Fahrenheit
Interval 7:
Duration: 10:01
Work: 135 kJ
TSS: 18.1 (intensity factor 1.042)
Norm Power: 229
Pw:HR: 4.25%
Pa:HR: 3.87%
Distance: 3.072 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 331 226 watts
Heart Rate: 136 171 163 bpm
Cadence: 39 106 84 rpm
Speed: 9.6 21.2 18.3 mph
Pace 2:50 6:16 3:16 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 12 8 lb-in
Altitude: 698 705 702 ft
Crank Torque: 0 360 229 lb-in
Temperature: 75.2 75.2 75.2 Fahrenheit
Entire workout:
Duration: 1:00:23
Work: 693 kJ
Norm Power: 217
VI: 1.14
Pw:HR: 0.51%
Pa:HR: 5.28%
Distance: 17.025 mi
Power: 0 399 191 watts
Heart Rate: 79 176 153 bpm
Cadence: 30 119 81 rpm
Speed: 0 23 16.9 mph
Pace 2:37 0:00 3:34 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 12 7 lb-in
Altitude: 673 737 717 ft
Crank Torque: 0 482 198 lb-in
Temperature: 69.8 75.2 74.6 Fahrenheit
Off to the gym I went. Today brought in biceps, triceps, and 120/120 (120 push ups and 120 sit ups. The 120/120 is part of our Endurance Nation Out Season extra curricular activities. These were done in sets of 20-25 and various.
Biceps consisted of: Preacher Curl to burn out-5 sets, Drop sets of seated dumbbell curls starting with 45's and working down to 15's and going until failure-3 sets, 3 sets of 21 (done on a cable machine and is 7 very slow curls, the 7 half way ups, and 7 half ways downs) and biceps ended with hammer curls-4 sets.
Triceps were seated skull crunches-4 sets of 12, cable over the head pull overs-4 sets of 15, kick backs-3 sets of 10, and dips 3 sets of 15.
Sit ups were various in nature. Started with obliques. I do these with 60 pound dumb bells and bend side to side. 3 sets of 15, then what I call push outs. I take a 25 pound weight and set it on a towel, get on my knee's and then slowly push it out as far as I can and then bring it back. Did 5 sets of 12. These were alternated with good old crunches and these were 5 sets of 20. Ended the sit ups in the Captains chair and concentrated and slow up and down and really trying to engage the lower abs. Only did 3 sets of 15.
Last but not least the push ups. I did 6 sets of 20. These were done as wide arms, close arms, triangle, off set arms, and lastly arms on a medicine ball. Once 120 were hit I called it a day in the gym.
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Troy and I on a Hobie in Jamaica |
Arriving in the holding area at Montego Bay after getting through Customs. |
Now time to do all the errands and stuff you didn't think about needing to pack for your trips. Flight leaves at 0545 from Des Moines. These only means one thing-----up very early and off we go.
We arrive in Montego Bay around 3 pm. Then take an hour to get through Customs and we then get on another small plane to take us to the most secluded part of Jamaica----Negril. We then have to get checked in at the resort and go and pick up our racing packets for the next days Marathon. No acclimation time this year but that is okay. As I have said before we are going to soak this one all in and truly have a great time. My only goal of the whole marathon is to have the second half of the race be a negative split.
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